It never rains but it pours on this little black duck's dancecard.
On Friday night, the girls from work and I went to seen
Bjorn Again.It was a little lame to tell the truth (imagine that!) and I think most of it wasn't even live. However, that didn't stop me from spontaneously bawling when they sang 'Thank you for the music'. Unleashing my inner dag indeed.
On Saturday, to celebrate in advance my victory in challenge 1 of
the amazing lace (can I get and agent now?), I took the laces to the races!
And we shall speak no more of this project, you have my word.
I love the races. It kind of encapsulates a good Catholic's perfect day out - full of alcohol fuelled betting! Anyway, we didn't come away with any extra money, but we kind-of broke even which means for a cheap and honest day out. Marvellous result.
Had a call recently from a friend from Brisbane, wanting to 'book' our spare rooms for her, her husband and her four beautiful daughters to stay with us for a few days at the end of the month. In typical form for this fabulous friend, it appears she's also organised a dinner party at my house for the Thursday night.
She's even extended invitations. Last night I got a call from another mutual friend confirming the arrangements, and indicating the size of the guest list. These are all high school mates, we've known each other for years and have been through what I like to call 'thick and thick' together. Our most binding agent is wine. I'm looking forward to it, but I think I'll have to call in sick on the Friday.
I'm sitting out the amazing lace challenge 2, in order to give the others a chance. I did try an Xtreme entry, but I thought it a bit crap, so I didn't enter it.
I've started a print-o-the wave stole for my second team-mate, a kind of mini version. It's looking good so far, although there's only two repeats done of the main pattern.
Challenge 3 involves writing a poem. I'll have to think that one over. I
might be a poet, but as yet I don't know it.