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Name: knitabulous
Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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Very Rare and Very Precious

11 Jun 2007

I don't normally do this.

But, there's a blogger out there who is going to be feeling under the weather for a while due to side effects from a drug she knows she has to take. Imagine looking at a handful of pills knowing how bad they're going to make you feel and having no choice but to take them anyway. For those of you with chronic illnesses, you'll know, but for the rest of us lucky ones ...

You know who she is. She'll be the one who has something positive to say on almost all of your posts - I see her wonderful comments almost everywhere I go on the net.

She's the one who has the most delicious sense of humour, the most nuttily named friends and blog posts, the most beautiful well cared-for dogs and the greeniest snicket you'll ever see.

Who else could call a sock Britney having decided it must have had a breakdown?

She never dwells on her illness, whatever it may be, hardly ever mentions it actually. What class.

Who else but Cindy 2paw? If there's one thing I can say about you Cindy, it's that I can always rely on you to 'get' what I'm trying to say, and from what I see you appear to 'get' everyone else too.

You're special, and I'd like to say here that I hope you don't feel too shit-house on those pills and that they do their job and make you well again.

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