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Name: knitabulous
Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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28 Mar 2007


Photograph of candle flame wrap just days before it's disappearance.

Name: Candle Flame Wrap
Last Seen: January 2007
Description: Candle Flame wrap, Debbie Bliss Pure silk in magenta
still on needles.
Disttinctive smell.
Last seen in cupboard, but details unclear.
Mother distraught.

You know when you have the urge to work on a particular project, and even if you have ten projects otn, nothing else will do it for you until you get your paws on the thing you wanted in the first place?

Well, yesterday I found this post from Pamela Lee, and then later in the day I heard mention of the same shawl on Sticks and String podcast, and that made me want to get out my own candle flame and finish it off. It's really close now, only one and a half hanks away from the end. (By the way PL, your shawl is incredibly beautiful - want one exactly the same now)

So I went to get it out, and discovered the awful truth - someone (a knitcat burglar?) has stolen my candle flame wrap.

I hope I didn't leave it at stitch and bitch. Maybe I'll give them a ring.

I didn't leave it at your house did I?

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