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Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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Well take that Katie

26 Feb 2007

Late one night, many years ago, I was sitting on the porch of a log cabin in upstate New York, near a little town called Monticello. I was a summer camp counsellor, looking after adult campers with severe disabilities, partly for respite care, partly to give the poor bastards a holiday. I was sitting with Katie, a big horsey girl from North Yorkshire with an accent so thick I could barely understand a single word she said. McDonald's was a novelty to her, since in the village from whence she came had none, so on our days off she would insist on visiting McDonald's so she could get an extra large 'cork' with 'nor arse'. It was always a struggle for the staff to understand her as well.

In any case, back to the porch. We were making friendship bracelets out of embroidery cotton bought from the local walmart that day, after our trip to McDonald's and the movies. She was showing me how to weave them.

She said to me :

"you're not very dextrous wiv your 'ands are ye?" I didn't really know what to say really. It's not a subject that comes up much.

But I thought about it last night while I pinned this thing out. Why just take a look at this Katie, wherever you are.

(Don't ask me why my back's to the camera. I thought it looked better that way - maybe I was mistaken.)

(One more thing; because I substituted the webs, spiders and diamonds for the plain old diamonds in the book pattern, does that make me a shawl designer now?)

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