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Name: knitabulous
Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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Examine yourself!

12 Nov 2006

Firstly, may I extend my congratulations to the American public.

Now that that's out of the way...

A very sad thing happened in Australia yesterday. Globally, breast cancer probably took the life of more than one 32 year old woman yesterday, but this is the only one to make the news. Today I am 39 years old. Belinda Emmett was 32. And I complain about having nothing to wear.

Examine yourself today.


It's been a while since you've seen a finished object around these here parts. Today will be no exception, but this week I promise there will be at least one finished object to show you.

Random Rant

You know what? I adore good photography on blogs. A good photo makes any old shit look mouthwateringly beautiful. And, a badly lit digital photo makes even the most intricate handiwork look like nanna crap. I'd love to learn to take better photos - not just for the blog but for the family as well (that sentence for 'normal' people would be the other way around you know). I don't want to post shitty photos on my blog, and I don't want you to either.

In the interests of improving blog photography, I made myself a light box, for about 5 bucks. The light source I used is a normal lamp with a cool daylight environmental bulb in it. Why don't you make one for yourself too? They're easy and very effective, and our macro shots are going to look oh so cool from now on. I'm all about the sharing.

Thanks for the birthday emails, internet friends. They made me feel warm and gooey. As did the highly calorific breakfast Donni dropped over at 7:30 this morning - she's creating her own tradition here - that's two years in a row she's made me a birthday breakfast.

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