Born Sandy Devotional
30 Oct 2006
If google didn't exist I'd offer a prize to the first person to tell me the meaning of this post's title. But, obviously, I don't trust you. Should I?

AMYSUE - Youso cute, miso lucky to have you on my tribe.
I had coffee with Donni today, she's effervescing with the promise of needlecraft, Christmas decorations, Christmas cookery and future plans.
She made me very nervous at one stage, suggesting it might be ok for me to trim my tree in more than one colour. I don't know if I'm ready for this, unless it's a sherbet themed three. You see I don't do random in a visual sense (in an OCD sort of way), although my life is quite chaotic my house is not.
It was great to see her, and I think some of the enthusiasm has worn off onto me. Being around 'up' people can't help but boost your upness. I've been feeling a bit flat lately, and although I have ben knitting like a demon (always do, every day) I haven't had the energy to take photos or blog about it. Seeing Donni today has charged my batteries.
So here's what's been a hap in the house this week:
I've been occupied with two knitting whims, a nice simple cardigan and the love of the stocking stitch definition when using cashmere/merino - either Debbie Bliss' or Heirloom or anyone else's with that particular yarn twist. Since the beaudelaires, I've been stockpiling it like tinned tomatoes in the threat of war.
I recently bought a cardigan and found that I wear it all the time and I really like it. The features are - deep V front, fitted, wide band of ribbing at bottom, plain stocking stitch.
Put em together and what have you got?

This picture may as well be of a red cardigan in terms of how it has captured the colour of this yarn.

Look what Donna got for me for a tribe gift!! I was rapt, I haven't been able to put it down yet. I want to swatch every pattern in this book and put it on a giant mood board on my bedroom ceiling. It's possibly my husband might get more nooky if I did this. (note to self: put this item on agenda for next relationship discussion/family meeting).
There was also some lush stuff, in a box called 'desperate housewife'. The bubble bath crumble (not pictured) is called 'two timing tart'. It smells so good I've left a sachet of it in my project bags, it adds a new sensory pleasure to the knitting - - sherbet scented yarn. I wonder if that might take off as a marketing concept.
I snaffled the interweave crochet up from a newsagent last weekend too - not too bad. I buy it as much for the ads as the projects, which I guess is a publisher's optimal result.

Lisa was my dishcloth swap pal. She read my mind and sent me a Mason Dixon warshcloth (and two others). LOVE IT!
I'll show you this picture even though you can't see anything

This is the Rose of England, at row 51 or so of 152 rows. Believe it or not, it's not a frustrating or difficult knit, once you get past the second part of the chart.
Would I lie to you?

These were originally planned as a tribe gift for the inimitable Jussi. However, she has big feet. And I'm not loving this knit one bit. I see a frog pond in the future.
How do you feel about Vanallin gloves instead? (image from Saartje knits - beautiful huh?) They look smaller.
And, in a revelation that's as plain as the nose on your face I realised something.

Life's too short to knit plastic. Bye bye zhivago Amelie.

AMYSUE - Youso cute, miso lucky to have you on my tribe.
I had coffee with Donni today, she's effervescing with the promise of needlecraft, Christmas decorations, Christmas cookery and future plans.
She made me very nervous at one stage, suggesting it might be ok for me to trim my tree in more than one colour. I don't know if I'm ready for this, unless it's a sherbet themed three. You see I don't do random in a visual sense (in an OCD sort of way), although my life is quite chaotic my house is not.
It was great to see her, and I think some of the enthusiasm has worn off onto me. Being around 'up' people can't help but boost your upness. I've been feeling a bit flat lately, and although I have ben knitting like a demon (always do, every day) I haven't had the energy to take photos or blog about it. Seeing Donni today has charged my batteries.
So here's what's been a hap in the house this week:
I've been occupied with two knitting whims, a nice simple cardigan and the love of the stocking stitch definition when using cashmere/merino - either Debbie Bliss' or Heirloom or anyone else's with that particular yarn twist. Since the beaudelaires, I've been stockpiling it like tinned tomatoes in the threat of war.
I recently bought a cardigan and found that I wear it all the time and I really like it. The features are - deep V front, fitted, wide band of ribbing at bottom, plain stocking stitch.
Put em together and what have you got?

This picture may as well be of a red cardigan in terms of how it has captured the colour of this yarn.

Look what Donna got for me for a tribe gift!! I was rapt, I haven't been able to put it down yet. I want to swatch every pattern in this book and put it on a giant mood board on my bedroom ceiling. It's possibly my husband might get more nooky if I did this. (note to self: put this item on agenda for next relationship discussion/family meeting).
There was also some lush stuff, in a box called 'desperate housewife'. The bubble bath crumble (not pictured) is called 'two timing tart'. It smells so good I've left a sachet of it in my project bags, it adds a new sensory pleasure to the knitting - - sherbet scented yarn. I wonder if that might take off as a marketing concept.
I snaffled the interweave crochet up from a newsagent last weekend too - not too bad. I buy it as much for the ads as the projects, which I guess is a publisher's optimal result.

Lisa was my dishcloth swap pal. She read my mind and sent me a Mason Dixon warshcloth (and two others). LOVE IT!
I'll show you this picture even though you can't see anything

This is the Rose of England, at row 51 or so of 152 rows. Believe it or not, it's not a frustrating or difficult knit, once you get past the second part of the chart.
Would I lie to you?

These were originally planned as a tribe gift for the inimitable Jussi. However, she has big feet. And I'm not loving this knit one bit. I see a frog pond in the future.
How do you feel about Vanallin gloves instead? (image from Saartje knits - beautiful huh?) They look smaller.
And, in a revelation that's as plain as the nose on your face I realised something.

Life's too short to knit plastic. Bye bye zhivago Amelie.