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Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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The Trans Seasonal Piece of Shrug

11 Mar 2006

A few days ago, I was left this comment:

Anonymous said...
Yep - your bum looks MASSIVE in that blue knit thingy whatever it is. Oh, and also I'm concerned now about the time you spend on blogging. Anonymous - Willoughby NSW.

So she does read it.

Anyway, young anonymous has requested a trans-seasonal piece of shrug, henceforth known as her TSPOS - all credit to herself for making the name up.

I usually avoid making things for other people, for fear it will end up at St Vinnies and I'll find it next time I go down there looking for dead ladies knitting needles. Did I mention that tablecloth I crocheted for my mother for Christmas was greeted with 'what a shame it's not cream'. I pulled it out of hiding in the linen cupboard at her place a few weeks ago and put it on my own table. I won't be making her anything again.

Anyhow, back to the TSPOS. She was very particular. All yarn in stash was dismissed as being wrong in colour. "Why is everything so dark?"

Here were the specifications as I recall:

She only likes powder blue. Perhaps shell pink. No, powder blue.
A trans-seasonal piece of shrug.

So, I sent her an email the other day and it is decided.

It will be this,Amelie from white lies designs - a woman who've I've noticed is quite vocal on the knitflame group but I won't hold that against her. Pattern ordered, winging it's way as we speak.

The yarn I think is a real find. Here it is here. She's going to have the aqua ice while I think I may go for the baby blue or the soft pink.

I can't wait to start this project. I have coveted this pattern for ages, soon it will be mine.

Surely world domination must follow?

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