Pretty as a Peacock Knitalong
4 Nov 2007
Some Knitting Required (Jae) has released her glory onto the world, in the form of the Pretty as A Peacock shawl.
It's hotter than sex on ravelry.
It's got the knitter's review a twitter.
Even Lime and Violet are talking about it.
You can get it locally from Donni (soon).
I've begun a second one in fuschia zephyr (I heard someone pronounce this colour fucksia once - now I say it every time), and after some discussion with the designer, I've started a knitalong for it. The aim is to provide help and support for the knitters of the PAAAP shawl - I'm remembering my tricks from the test-knit and writing them down as I go through the knit.
So if you're interested, head on over here or send me an email at knitabulousatgmaildotcom and I'll invite you.
And here's my progress just before you get to the first 'eye' of feathers.