Projects, projects everywhere but not a thing to knit.
20 Nov 2006

It arrived today.
I joined the knitalong for it, head on over to Jacqueline's blog to join if you're interested.
I haven't decided which one to do, but I've got a shortlist.
I want to start 'eats shoots roots and leaves' but I originally planned it as a New Year's Day cast-on and now that's sort of fixed in my brain like an unbreakable rule. I figure it will take about four months for me to finish - it's a big commitment knit, and it's part of my knitting rules to only have one commitment knit on the needles at a time. So, until the Rose of England's final 23 or so rows are done, no FFL for me. Eunny Jang did hers in sixteen days. Check it.
But, I've run out of yarn for the rose of england, so that's off the agenda until tomorrow if I have time to run to hobbysew.
I don't like how the sleeve went into the cardigan I've been pinning all my knitting hopes on lately. This cardigan was going to be the best fitted cardigan in my wardrobe. My winter staple. And, until the sleeve setting in, it looked great. Now, it looks dreadful. The problem is that the yarn stretched beyond beleif when I pressed it with a steam iron to set in the sleeve. This resulted in a floppy sleeve and armhole where a crisp fitted result was desired. So, I don't want to knit a second sleeve until I sort out what I'm going to do about the first one. Rip and re-do? Ignore, and hope for the best? This project is in the too hard basket for the moment.
I ordered this pattern from cosmicpluto. That's next on the needles, but I'm going to either use the recommended yarn or very similar, and I don't have any of it. Oh, and the pattern hasn't come yet.
I've sold the yarn for the rest of the bear claw blanket. So, that won't be a goer any time soon. I think I'll just make a bag out of the two squares I've done so far. Then I'm going to give the bag away.
I can't remember what size needle I did the hexagonal units I've done so far on the mountain laurel blanket, and I can't be stuffed even finding it, let alone finding out what needle it's made on.
I've started knitting the Muench touch me but if I keep going straight away, it will run out and then it will be all gone. And I don't want that to happen. Not yet.
There's a BIG secret in the cupboard. Not a secret from you, a secret from someone else. I'll never tell, but the result is I can't get it out in the presence of you-know-who. There is enough evidence in the past two sentences to incriminate myself. I can't knit this in full view of he who shall not be named for fear he may enquire as to it's origin. I'll give you a small hint. TEN hanks. Debbie Bliss. Pure Silk. Can only be used when alone.
Maybe I'll just cook some yarn instead.