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Name: knitabulous
Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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Sideways Scallop Edged Scarf

Sideways Lace Scarf

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Knitting Along

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Knitting Alone
Knitspot Morning Glory Wrap Frost Flowers and Leaves Pomatomus Socks One Day
Sarcelle A different Phildar swing jacket - No 23A Donyale Socks

Want to know what I did today?

28 Jun 2005

Today, after getting two children breakfasted, bathed and dressed and delivered to school and nonna's respectively I then

* wrote a report on the activity-based costing model I did for work last week,
* prepared the financial statements for two local senior citizens centres for two financial years
* identified the costs of building maintenance and vandalism for twelve of the local council buildings for the past three years ... and ..come on wake up ... the knitting part is coming....
* Learned how to do cable stitch knitting by making almost a whole tiny sock from the spring Interweave Knits magazine.

I also did several loads of washing, made one dinner, cleaned one kitchen and did not drink one single glass of wine.

Want to know what I'm doing tomorrow???


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