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Name: knitabulous
Location: Mt Keira, New South Wales, Australia

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Sideways Scallop Edged Scarf

Sideways Lace Scarf

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Competition Winners

27 Apr 2006

Honourable Mentions

The weirdest answer had to be from Jussi, about the electron scanning microscope view of the fly’s tongue. The mind boggles at how one would come to acquire such knowledge!

The Benny Hill award goes to Tianne for the feather boa response. I wouldn’t have expect any less of you Tianne, fnar fnar.

Of course it was the car wash thingy, and the photo was taken by Louis, who was I think a bit scared if the truth be known. I used to crap myself in those things as a kid in the Kingswood, my sister and I would shriek and hold hands but I was always very very scared – I wonder if she was too?

So, I think the actual prize must go to the first correct answer, and that is Pamela Lee of Knitting through the Looking Glass, email me and I’ll get your details to receive your prize.

2Paw, please email me at daly04@bigpond.net.au as I have a surprise for you!

The fact that the best looking man on TV is secretly gay has devastated my ideals of running away and becoming an organic farmer with a toyboy. Big Brother and I are not on speaking terms.

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